Monday, March 31, 2008

What a weekend!

Ever have one of those weekends where you never seem to stop? I just had one of those myself. Here's my story...
Friday, Grayson and I went to Wal-Mart grocery shopping, which is always loads of fun. We came home unloaded a million bags out of the van and up the stairs to the kitchen. Mind you, Grayson, was no help in that department, but he did help me put stuff up...sorta. After a short name for Grayson and myself (yippee), I got ready for my Crop Out Cancer Crop at the school. Then off I went to unload and set up for my crop. We didn't have a lot of people there, but we had fun anyway. Sitting around scrapbooking and talking is never a bad time. Finally, home again and off the bed.
Saturday morning, my sweet husband let me sleep in till 8:30 while he kept Grayson happy. Sydney spent the night with Rebecca, so it wasn't as loud as usual. I got up and fixed us french toast. Yum-O! Then off the Rebecca's house to fetch my other child and plant a garden. Rebecca has a perfect spot for a garden and has the talent, too. There is nothing that woman can't do. I will help her this year in exchange for fresh veggies and next year I will try it on my own. I will, however, be starting a herb garden at my house. I don't really have a green thumb, so we will see how this goes. After a morning in the hot sun and playing in the dirt. We go home for showers and lunch and to put those ill children down for a nap. Too bad I couldn't take one. I went to a wedding. It was beautiful and lots of fun. Saturday night, we had pizza and cake at Gammie and Gampie's house. It was my step-dad's, Bill aka Gampie, birthday. We ate, we sang, we went home.
Sunday morning was church as usual. We left early to attend our niece's, Ginger, birthday party at Pump It Up. The kids had a blast jumping and climbing. I do have to did the adults. I was worn out. I have bruises all over me. I am getting way to old, but it was way too fun. On the way home we stopped so I could pick up cream cheese so I could make a chicken ball for the after church social. I came home put it together, then while putting the final touch of seasoning, dumped the whole bottle of seasoning in it. So, back to the store for more stuff, then back home to start over. Back to church and home again. I am still about to fall over.
Hope you all had a great weekend. Let me know what you did.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good Lord woman! What a weekend!